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2024-02-12 22:46:17
美[ˌsuːprəhɪpætɪk]  英[ˌsjuːprəhɪpætɪk]
adj.  [解]肝上的


  1. Suprahepatic inferior vena cava was anastomosed end-to-end with running suture. 肝上下腔静脉用端端吻合连续缝合的方法。
  2. We anastomosed the suprahepatic inferior vena cava to the annexed vena cava in a modified piggy-back figuration. 肝上下腔静脉吻合应用附加腔静脉成形-改良背驮式。
  3. The piggybacks technique with suprahepatic venacavaplasty of retrohepatic cava extention for orthotopic liver transplantation. 附加腔静脉成形的背驮式原位肝移植术。
  4. As donor liver, the suprahepatic IVC of right lobe can be conveniently end-to-side anastomosed to the intrahepatic IVC of the host. 获得的右半肝作为供肝,其肝上下腔静脉易于与受体肝内下腔静脉端侧吻合。
  5. Though the local pathologic process is complicated, the basic change of BCS is the formation of membrane and secondary to thrombus at the suprahepatic IVC. BCS局部病理类型复杂,HV、IVC病变部位和程度各有不同,但其最基本的改变是IVC肝后段形成隔膜和继发血栓。
  6. IVC:MRI showed the stenosis or occlusion of suprahepatic segment of the IVC in 9 patients,of them congenital abnormality was 4 patients,thrombosis was 3 patients and compression by tumor was 2 patients. ( 2 )IVC:MRI显示 9例肝段 IVC狭窄和阻塞 ,其中先天性膜或分隔形成 2例 ,先天性狭窄或畸形 2例 ,血栓形成 1例 ,瘤栓形成 2例 ,外压性狭窄 2例。