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2024-02-12 22:54:16
美[sjuːprəmæksɪməl]  英[sjuːprəmæksɪməl]
adj.  [生理]超大的;最大度以上的


  1. The level of voluntary activation and activation failure at the same angle was estimated by the twitch superimposition technique, using a 1 Hz supramaximal electrical stimulation. 在这些角度下,自主徵召及徵召失败的程度,是对股四头肌施以每秒一次的超强电刺激以抽搐上加技术来检测。
  2. We delivered supramaximal stimulations over the wrist, below elbow, and above elbow on the ulnar nerve and obtained the data of segmental CV of below elbow (BE) and across elbow (AE) from FDI and ADM. 分别于手腕,肘下及肝上三个尺神经那位给予超大的电刺激,同时于FDI及ADM两处作表面电极记录。
  3. Abstract: The purpose of this study was to compare the sympathetic nervous activity and adrenaline secretion between male and female long-distancerunners after a supramaximal exercise(Wingate test). 摘要:为了比较男女耐力项目练习者在一次超最大强度运动时的交感肾上腺髓质活动水平。
  4. Supramaximal sural neurocutaneous island flap repairing skin defect around ankle 超大腓肠神经营养血管皮瓣修复足踝部皮缺损
  5. be suppressed by deep anesthesia, and the average latency of CMAPs at supramaximal intensity was 6.52 ms, 1.35 ms later than that by EBS; 实验还发现MC不同部位及不同的MC引起的CMAPs的能力不同,S70线圈强于SC120线圈,而靠进MC中心部位作用最大。
  6. The comparison of the cervical magnetic stimulation to the conventional supramaximal bilateral percutaneous electrical stimulation of the phrenic nerves 电刺激和磁波刺激法评价膈肌功能的比较