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2024-02-12 23:02:17
美[ˌsuːprəɔːbɪtəl]  英[ˌsjuːprəɔːbɪtl]
adj.  眼窝上的


  1. located or occurring above the eye socket


  1. Objective:To study the methods of craniotomy via supraorbital keyhole approach. 目的:探讨眶上锁孔入路的最佳方法。
  2. Results:None of supraorbital nerves and vessels of 39 patients was injuried. 结果:经眉弓切口眶上锁孔手术的39例患者,均保留了眶上神经、血管;
  3. Objective : To provide anatomic basis of the supraorbital keyhole approach. 目的:为眶上锁孔入路提供临床解剖学基础。
  4. At preschool age the most common location of headache was bilateral and supraorbital, and at puberty bilateral and temporal. 学龄前患儿主要头痛部位在双侧和眶上,而青春期患儿主要在双侧和颞侧。
  5. MethodsTuberculum sellae meningiomas were removed in 25 patients by supraorbital or pterional keyhole approaches. 方法应用眶上和翼点锁孔手术切除25例肿瘤,并探讨手术效果、手术技巧及并发症。
  6. Methods:The process and effect were studied about supraorbital approach to 39 patients. 方法:分析和总结39例眶上锁孔手术的开颅过程与手术效果。