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2024-02-12 23:16:16
美[səpriːməm]  英[səpriːməm]
n.  [数]上确界


  1. The supremum axiom of the reals refers to subsets of the reals and is therefore a second-order logical statement. 实数集的上确界公理用到了实数集的子集,这是一种二阶逻辑的陈述。
  2. Property of symmetric random variable is discussed by introducing the concept of almost supremum and infimum. 讨论了具有倒对称随机变量的若干性质.
  3. At last we obtain the supremum estimation of the finite time ruin probability and the infinite time ruin probability in the third new risk model. 对第三类风险模型进行研究,得到了有限时间破产概率和终极时间破产概率的上界估计。
  4. The approach does not require the optimal approximation error to be square-integrable or the supremum of the optimal approximation error to be known. 理论分析证明了闭环系统状态有界,跟踪误差收敛到零的较小邻域内。
  5. Abstract: Property of symmetric stochastic variable is discussed by introducing the concept of almost supremum of stochastic variable. 文摘:本文引入随机变量“几乎确界”的概念,讨论了有倒对称性的随机变量的性质
  6. Abstract: It is well known that for functional differential equation with finite delay, its phase space always structured by continuous function together with supremum norm. 摘 要: 众所周知,对于有限时滞的泛函微分方程,其相空间几乎都是采用连续函数加上确界模所构成的空间;