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2024-02-12 23:20:17
美[sjʊrə]  英[sjʊərə]
n.  斜纹软绸;章;回


  1. 【纺】斜柔软绸
  2. 软缎


  1. Examples of fabrics made by the twill weave include denim, jean, gabardine, surah,sharkskin, some flannel fabrics and some tweeds. 斜纹组织织物包括:粗斜纹棉布、三页细斜纹布、华达呢、斜纹软绸、鲨皮布、某些法兰绒织物、粗花呢等。
  2. All the samples include Suzhou satin , Surah and Sangbo satin.There are bleached silk fabrics , dyed silk fabrics and fabrics treated by softener and totally amount of 29 kinds. 试样包括素绉缎、斜纹绸和桑波缎,其中有练白、染色和加柔软剂整理过的共29种真丝织物。
  3. We have advanced sufficient evidence for this in our discussion of the revelation of the surah “al Fath” upon return of the Muslims from Makkah to Yathrib after signing the Pact of Hudaybiyah. 因为科学建立了他们,这样是癫痫症症状。这当时不是实际情形根本与先知(P)揭示,为了他的认知教职员曾经被加强-而不是减弱-并且至此如此做到一个最高级未知数由最认识他的人民。
  4. Surah: Why the Stem Cell Advance May Not Be a Breakthrough 为什么干细胞研究进展可能不是重大突破
  5. surah gros cote 粗棱条斜纹绸
  6. rhadzimer surah 八页破斜纹黑绸