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2024-02-12 23:22:17
美[sjʊrəl]  英[sjʊrəl]
adj.  腓的;小腿肚的


  1. 【解】腓肠的
  2. 【解】小腿腹的
  3. 【解】腓的
  4. 【解】小腿肚的
  5. 苏拉尔(音译名)


  1. SCAI was significantly associated with sural sensory conduction velocity and Neuropathy Composite and Symptom Scores. 脊髓面积指数与腓神经感觉传导速度和神经病变的综合症状评分密切相关。
  2. SCAI was significantly associated with sural sensory conduction elocity and Neuropathy Composite and Symptom Scores. 脊髓面积指数与腓神经感觉传导速度和神经病变的综合症状评分密切相关。
  3. The clinical application of distally based island flap pedicled with vascular axis of the sural superficial nerve. 带腓肠神经营养血管蒂逆行岛状皮瓣的临床应用。
  4. Sural nerve biopsy showed Cogon red staining material depositing in the interstitial and neurilemma. 病理学检查发现 3例先证者均有刚果红染色阳性的淀粉样物沉积于神经束间质及神经内膜中。
  5. Objective To report the results of reversed sural neurovascular fascio cutaneous island flap in clinical application. 目的报告带腓肠神经营养血管蒂逆行岛状筋膜皮瓣的临床运用效果。
  6. RESULTS: Transection of the tibial and sural nerves induced cold allodynia and moderate mechanical hyperalgesia. 结果:胫神经和腓肠神经的横断导致异常性冷疼痛和中等强度的机械性痛觉过敏。