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2024-02-13 00:04:17
美[sɜːdʒənt]  英[sɜːdʒənt]
adj.  澎湃的


  1. It likes a great river of calm and surgent. 它象一条大河,平静而奔腾。
  2. Hainings surgent tides are named a natural wonder.The Jiulong Mountain is by the sea verdent trees. 海宁潮的汹涌壮观,以“一线横江”被誉为“天下奇观”;
  3. Two voters in Afghanistans C province where there is a significant Taliban presence had their instained(ink-stained) fingers tropped(chopped) off by a surgent(insurgents). 两位阿富汗选民在塔利班组织聚集的坎大哈省的被恐怖分子坎去了仍沾有墨迹的手指。
  4. The World Bank has issued a report saying that developing countries could experience a surgent economic growth and sharp reduction in poverty by investing more heavily in young people. 世界银行出台的一份报告中称,发展中国家由于大幅度增加在青年人身上的投资迅而可能经历迅猛的经济增长以及贫困的急剧减少。
  5. Most of the time, people are floating in the endless surgent human society and lapped by those tiny and senseless surfs, and what people can only do is avoid the depression at the time. 更多的时候,是漂浮在一望无际的滚滚红尘之中,任那些琐碎无聊的浪花拍打,这个时候唯一要做的就是防止绝望。
  6. surgent seas 浪涛澎湃的海洋