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2024-02-13 00:07:17
美[sɜːdʒənˌfɪʃ]  英[sɜːdʒənfɪʃ]
n.  热带鱼的一种


  1. brightly colored coral-reef fish with knifelike spines at the tail


  1. The algae-eaters are colorful yellow tang and goldring surgeonfish, a species found only around the Hawaiian Islands. 吃海藻的鱼是炫丽的黄刺尾鱼和金环刺尾鱼,这种鱼只在夏威夷群岛附近发现过。
  2. Plaette tangs are also known as surgeonfish because they use a sharp spike on their tail for defense. Ouch! 蓝·唐王鱼也叫刺尾鱼,因为它们会用尾巴上的一要尖尖的刺来自卫。厉害吧!
  3. Unlike that benignly daft creature this real-life surgeonfish in Indonesia carries a sharp retractable blade of bone near the base of its tail. 跟那只疯疯癫癫的亲切生物不同,印度尼西亚的这只正牌医生鱼在尾巴附近有一片能伸缩的锋利骨片。
  4. Unlike that benignly daft creature, this real-life surgeonfish in Indonesia carries a sharp retractable blade of bone near the base of its tail. 跟那只疯疯癫癫的亲切生物不同,印度尼西亚的这只正牌医生鱼在尾巴附近有一片能伸缩的锋利骨片。
  5. Coral Reef;Restocking;Turbo;Tripneustes gratilla;Ulva;Surgeonfish;Propagation 关键词:珊瑚礁;放流;蝾螺;马粪海胆;藻类;粗皮鲷;繁养殖
  6. unicorn surgeonfish 独角牛?