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2024-02-13 00:39:16
美[səpraɪz]  英[səpraɪz]
n.  惊奇;诧异;惊人之事;奇袭
vt.  使惊奇;奇袭
sp.  =surprise.


  1. She was surounded by the surprize and glad, couldnt say any words. 她惊喜交集,一句话也说不出来。
  2. I was surprizd with a noise of a gun as I thought fird at sea. 忽然,我听到一声枪响,好像是从海上发出的。这真大大出乎我的意料。
  3. Even after I had got the first handful of seed-corn, which, as Ihave said, came up unexpectedly, and indeed to a surprize. 而且,自从我第一次无意中发现在石壁下长出稻子和大麦,并获得了一把粮种之后,随着时光的流逝,我简直无时无刻不想到做面包的事。
  4. But I was surprizd, when coming to my heap of grapes, which were so rich and fine when I gatherd them, I found them all spread about, trod to pieces, and draggd about, some here, some there, and abundance eaten and devourd. 但是,当我来到葡萄堆前面时,原来饱满完好的葡萄,现在都东一片,西一片被拖散开,有的被践踏得破碎不堪,有的则已吃掉了。眼前的情景一片狼籍。
  5. There are some big or small surprize, 人生有大大小小的惊喜,
  6. I took him by surprize with my arm under his twist, and tost him clear over-board into the sea; 突然,我趁其不备,用手臂猛地在他裤裆下一撞,把他一下推入海里。