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2024-02-13 01:03:17
美[səveɪl]  英[sɜːveɪl]
vt.  使受监视(或监督); 对 ... 实施监视(或监督)
  过去式:surveilled  过去分词:surveilled  现在分词:surveilling  第三人称单数:surveils


  1. keep under surveillance;

    "The police had been following him for weeks but they could not prove his involvement in the bombing"


  1. Surveil them, forget your sense of guilty, follow your curiosity, share what you know about them like everyone does. 偷窥他们,忘记你的罪恶感,跟随你的好奇心像其他人一样去分享对他们所知的。
  2. Plans for the conduct of normal operations, maintenance, surveil lance and periodic testing. 六正常运转、维护、监察及定期检查计画。
  3. And the audit department shall surveil the use and management of National Natural Science Funds. 审计机关依法对国家自然科学基金的使用与管理进行监督。
  4. The competent authority of finance of the State Council shall administrate and surveil the budget and finance of National Natural Science Funds. 国务院财政部门依法对国家自然科学基金的预算、财务进行管理和监督。
  5. Objective: To analyze influenza virus character in Tianjin area from Oct 2001 to Mar 2004 and surveil avian influenza epidemic situation. 摘要目的:观察天津市流感病毒流行特点以及发生禽流感疫情时的情况。
  6. A project principal shall use the funds as required in the project plan, and a supporting institution shall surveil the project principals use of the funds. 项目负责人应当按照项目计划书的要求使用基金资助经费,依托单位应当对项目负责人使用基金资助经费的情况进行监督。