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2024-02-13 01:07:17
美[sɜːrveɪ]  英[sɜːveɪ]
n.  问卷;测量;调查;纵览;视察
v.  调查;审视;研究;测量;勘定;环视
  名词:surveyor  名词复数:surveys  过去式:surveyed  过去分词:surveyed  现在分词:surveying  第三人称单数:surveys


  1. 测量,测绘,测量图,测堪记录,测绘部门,被测量地区
  2. 民意调查,民意测验
  3. 调查,查勘,检验
  4. 概论,概略,概观,概况
  5. 俯瞰,眺望,环视
  6. 全面的考察或研究
  7. 审视
  1. 调查,查勘,检视,检验
  2. 测量,测堪,测绘
  3. 俯视,眺望,环视
  4. 概括论述
  5. 全面考察


  1. vt. 眺望; 纵览 take a general view of
  2. vt. 测量; 查勘 measure and map out
  3. vt. 检查; 鉴定 examine the condition of a building, etc.
  4. vt. 通盘考虑; 审度 examine the general condition of


  1. a detailed critical inspection
  2. short descriptive summary (of events)
  3. the act of looking or seeing or observing;

    "he tried to get a better view of it" "his survey of the battlefield was limited"

  1. consider in a comprehensive way;

    "He appraised the situation carefully before acting"

  2. look over carefully or inspect;

    "He surveyed his new classmates"

  3. keep under surveillance;

    "The police had been following him for weeks but they could not prove his involvement in the bombing"

  4. hold a review (of troops)
  5. make a survey of; for statistical purposes
  6. plot a map of (land)


  1. survey boundaries勘定边界
  2. survey the cancer incidence调查癌症的发病率
  3. survey the current world situation纵览当前的世界形式
  4. survey the depth of the lake测量湖深
  5. survey the equipment检查设备
  6. survey the land勘测土地
  7. survey the mineral resources勘察矿产资源
  8. survey population growth调查人口增长情况
  9. survey a railway line勘测铁路线
  10. survey road测量公路
  11. survey a school视察学校
  12. survey sea-bed conditions勘测海底状况
  1. survey curiously不寻常地考察
  2. survey gloomily忧闷地眺望
  3. survey impartially公平地鉴定
  4. survey sadly悲伤地环视
  5. survey tranquilly平静地察看
  1. survey from从…眺望


  1. A recent survey of public opinions shows that most people are worried about the increasing crime.一份最近的民意调查表明,大多数人对不断增长的犯罪率表示忧虑。
  2. The surveyor made a survey of the land.测量员对土地进行了测量。
  3. After much delay, the results of the survey were published.耽搁多时之后,调查结果终于公布了。
  4. From the top of the hill you can have a survey of the whole city.从山顶上你可以俯瞰整个城市。
  5. Ali was his principal attendant during this nocturnal survey.阿里陪着他作这次夜间视察。
  1. They surveyed the damage inflicted by the storm.他们调查了暴风雨造成的损失。
  2. She surveyed me haughtily over the top of her glasses.她傲慢地从眼镜的上方审视我。
  3. For this book, the author has surveyed recent developments in linguistics.为了写这本书,作者研究了语言学目前的发展情况。
  4. They have started to survey the country that the new motorway will pass through .他们已开始测量这条新公路将要通过的农村。
  5. The work of surveying and determining the frontier of all the cities and districts went on smoothly.我省重新勘定各市、区边界的工作进展顺利。
  6. They sadly surveyed the scene before them.他们悲伤地环视眼前的情景。


    survey的基本意思是指从远处或高处来看远处的人或物,即“眺望,纵览”,也可指对某事进行彻底、深入的观察,或从全局出发对形势进行分析,以求得出结论,作出决策,即“鉴定”“审度”等。 survey多用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。