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2024-02-13 01:13:16
美[sərvaɪvəlɪst]  英[səvaɪvəlɪst]
n.  成功地活下来的人;活命主义者


  1. someone who tries to insure their personal survival or the survival of their group or nation


  1. "Hes a survivalist," says Archibald. “他是一名生存主义者,”阿奇博尔德说。
  2. Survivalist (Survival): Now increases your total Stamina, instead of your total Health. 生存专家:现在提高你的总耐力值而不是总生命值。
  3. They worked deep in the inhospitable desert valleys, surrounded by a number of survivalist communities. 那时在他们的正南方有个新建的联邦监狱。
  4. As the weeks passed, they invited the nearby survivalist communities to join them and to help them build a new society. 几周后,他们邀请周围幸存下来的小团体加入帮助来建造一个新的社会。
  5. We could use the internet to create a backbone for our survivalist supporters in an effort to accomplish our immediate as well as long range goals. 我们可以利用互联网为我们生存主义者的支持者们创建一个中坚力量,以努力完成我们近期及远期目标。
  6. This inadvertently fuelled the growth of the nascent Chaos gods, as they feed upon survivalist emotions, or responses to the knowledge of death. 这无意中助长了增长的新生乱神,因为它们的饲料后,生存的情感,或反应知识的死因。