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2024-02-13 01:14:17
美[səvaɪvəns]  英[səvaɪvəns]
n.  生存;幸存;残存;幸存者;残存物


  1. Correct internal mistakes, establish correct strategies, and seek opportunities for survivance and development in a tight spot. 从自身内部发现问题,制定对策,在困境中寻求生存机遇和发展机会。
  2. Consequently enterprises enhance the management mechanism,especially the human resource management that may directly affects the survivance and development of enterprises. 企业也都加大了管理力度。其中人力资源管理在企业管理中的作用逐步上升,甚至直接影响一个企业的生存与发展。
  3. In economy, it is a product of the grand canal economy of China in the 16th century, and embodies the rich connotation of civilian survivance and development in East China. 从经济活动上看,它是16世纪中国运河经济文化的产物,体现出中国东部地区民众生存发展的丰富内涵;
  4. Compais ahrig o h "qualiy o surviv for h maagm a vlopm" busiss ias, warmly wlcoms a hom a abroa o joi has i craig a br omorrow. 公司秉承“以质量求生存,以管理求发展”的经营理念,热忱欢迎海内外携手共创美好的明天。
  5. Th qualiy of his compay o surviv, o h fficicy a vlopm, srsss cribiliy o h sicr srvics o cusomrs for h purpos, wlcom o map sampl goos cusom-ma, or for procssig. 本公司以质量求生存以效率求发展,讲信誉,以对客户的真诚服务为宗旨,欢迎来图来样来货订造或加工。
  6. Survivance And Rescue In The open 野外生存与救护