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2024-02-13 01:23:17
美[səseptəblɪ]  英[səseptəblɪ]
adv.  容易感受地


  1. At last, a new method, which is based on the electromagnetic induction principle, to measure the suscept... 最后,介绍了一种基于电磁感应原理的测量液态金属磁化率的新方法。
  2. It would be fairly effective to take off the suscept from the tree before the maturity of its outside basidial layer or to spread 1% Bordeaux mixture to contyol the disease. 经防治试验,在外担子层成熟前摘除病物或喷施1%25波尔多液有较好的防治效果。
  3. The 36.1 ku band was a particular protein band in female adults of suscept ible strain and both 97.2 ku and 36.9 ku bands were expressed only in female adu lts of resistant strain. 敏感品系雌性成蚊有 1条分子质量为 36 .;1ku的特异带;而抗性品系则有分子质量为 97
  4. susceptn. 感病体;病主