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2024-02-13 01:25:17
美[ˌsʌseptɪvətɪ]  英[ˌsʌseptɪvətɪ]
n.  敏感性(灵敏度)


  1. At the same time,MPO alao has genetic polymorphism,which affects Susceptivity to dieases of the body. 同时,髓过氧化物酶基因存在基因多态性,影响机体对疾病的易感性。
  2. The images of DTI are easily distorted by the effect of eddy current and the difference of magnetic susceptivity. 磁共振弥散张量成像由于涡流以及磁敏感性的影响,图像容易发生畸变。
  3. The concept, configuration, usage and function of the power quality susceptivity testing system are described. 提出了电能质量敏感度测试系统的概念,对其组成、用途、功能进行了定义和描述;
  4. According to the susceptivity test,the Escherichia was highly sensitive to Cefotaxime,Chloramphenicoll and Cefazoli... 金黄色葡萄球菌对氨苄西林/舒巴坦、头孢唑啉、哌拉西林、头孢哌酮、氨苄西林、红霉素和头孢氨苄等高度敏感.
  5. Methods:Main classic biochemistry was used for identification and susceptivity testing.Results:Of identified CNS,S. 方法:用经典生化鉴定方法,对临床分离到的132株CNS进行种类鉴定和药敏试验。
  6. Superority has a ultraintense and the susceptivity of industry closer to the latest developments in the industry. 优势:有着超强的行业敏感度,并更贴近行业的最新发展前沿。