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2024-02-13 01:34:17
美[səspensəbɪlɪtɪ]  英[səspensəbɪlɪtɪ]
n.  可悬挂;可中止;悬而不决


  1. A foreign exchange crisis is looming over the economy as the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) suspen... 奈拉继续贬值趋势 昨天尼央行未能及时供应外汇,危机加剧。
  2. Test solution was prepared by adding suitable amount of agar solution into the suspen sion, then injected into air-acetylene flame for determination. 用适量琼脂溶液稀释后直接喷入空气-乙炔火焰,以标准加入法定量。
  3. The behavior of the suspen dome is theoretically investigated by employing a nonlinear finite element method in this study. 基于这种发展要求,一些新型的结构形式得到了重视和发展。
  4. The microemulsion and nano-suspension of drug have superior suspensibility, dispersibility and bioavailability. 医药微乳剂和纳米悬浮剂可显著改善药物的悬浮性和分散性,提高生物利用度。
  5. The mixture was then stirred for 90 seconds and transferred quantitatively to a suspensibility cylinder. 混合搅拌,然后为90秒和转移到定量悬浮缸。
  6. The oracle bones used in augury was usually preserved for som e certain time and then disposed into discarded cellar or well when all the suspen se would have been uncovered. 殷人占卜用过的甲骨,一般要保留一段时间,待一切悬念解除,即可挖坑掩埋或利用废弃窖穴、水井等掩埋,意在不让人们能够随意见到,根本无意存档供后人查考利用。