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2024-02-13 02:08:17
美[sjuːtʃərəl]  英[sjuːtʃərəl]
adj.  缝口的;针脚的;缝合线的


  1. Remodeling, which becomes more important as sutural activity declines, is expressed as surface apposition in some regions and resorption in others. 当缝线活动力下降时,重新塑形是变的更重要,其所呈现的是骨表面在某些位置的再置位与其它位置的吸收。
  2. The Xijir Ulan tectonic melange belt is the western part of Xijr Ulan-Jinshajiang sutural zone, because study in low degree in the past, it is still indefinite. 摘要西金乌兰构造混杂岩带为西金乌兰一金沙江缝合带的西端,由于以往研究程度低而认识较为模糊。
  3. Abstract: The Xijir Ulan tectonic melange belt is the western part of Xijr Ulan-Jinshajiang sutural zone, because study in low degree in the past, it is still indefinite. 摘 要: 西金乌兰构造混杂岩带为西金乌兰-金沙江缝合带的西端,由于以往研究程度低而认识较为模糊。
  4. Of that seams of a trouser leg sutural look well-balanced and close and strong, all the time since on the buttock that ground of cautious and conscientious sticks in Lin Xuan. 那条裤缝的针脚看上去匀称细密而坚固, 一直以来兢兢业业地贴在林暄的屁股上。
  5. Recorded variables included the pattern of sutural fusion, age at presentation,cranial shape, presence of elevated intracranial pressure, genetic testing, and types of operative correction. 记录的变量包括:骨缝融合的模式,症状出现的年龄,头颅形状,存在的高颅内压,基因测试,手术纠正的类型。
  6. On the body of Miao Si goddess that gives in each in file is white snow spins cloth piece, expose painstakingly outer sutural and patch pocket and look be like half-baked clipping and edition model. 在一个个鱼贯而出的缪斯女神身上的是白色雪纺布片,刻意暴露在外的针脚和贴袋以及看似未完成的剪裁和版型。