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2024-02-13 02:13:17
美[suːzəˌreɪn]  英[suːzəreɪn]
n.  领主;壮主;宗主


  1. a state exercising a degree of dominion over a dependent state especially in its foreign affairs


  1. And modern immigrants have become force that cannot be neglected for a suzerain state. 现代移民对宗主国来说已经成为一支不可忽视的建设力量。
  2. Regarding itself always as a suzerain, Qing Dynasty sent its army to suppress the uprising in Korea at its invitation. 清朝政府以宗主国自居,应属国朝鲜之邀请,出兵"勘乱"。
  3. Before the Jiawu War, the suzerain vassal relationship existed between Qing Dynasty and Korea. 在甲午战争之前,清朝与朝鲜存有宗藩关系。
  4. They are rivals at this stage with the Tang insisting on being the suzerain and denying Tibet of its equal rights. 唐朝坚持宗主国的地位,拒绝认可吐蕃的平等诉求;
  5. Wei Zhuang, suzerain of the Huajian Ci field, is a famous poet in late TangDynasty. 韦庄是晚唐著名诗人,又是“花间宗主”。
  6. The higher education in Brazil was developed quite late and deeply affected by its suzerain Portugal. 巴西高等教育起步较晚,深受宗主国葡萄牙高等教育模式的影响。