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2024-02-13 02:19:17
美  英
sp.  斯维尔德洛夫斯克


  1. What are some examples of the ways central priorities were or were not effective in shaping life in Sverdlovsk? 哪些是适应斯维尔德洛夫斯克生活是主要优先的事或者哪些是没有效用的?
  2. And its operation was exposed when an anthrax outbreak at Sverdlovsk resulted in nearly 70 deaths. 1979年,由于斯弗罗夫斯克市爆发炭疽热,死亡人数接近70人,前苏联的生物战研发计画才曝光。
  3. Born in 1931, Mr Yeltsin was a loyal provincial Communist, bulldozing the Ipatiev house in Sverdlovsk (now, again, Yekaterinburg) where the last tsars family was murdered. 叶利钦先生出生于1931年,曾是一名忠诚的共产党员,他的奋斗始于斯维尔德洛夫斯克(现在也叫叶卡特琳堡的伊帕切夫别墅,这也是最后一个沙皇家庭被杀害的地方。
  4. After previous unsuccessful election campaigns in the Sverdlovsk region, the 32-year-old hopes to enlist a little magical help from the boy wizard by changing his name to Harry Ivanovich Potter. 经过数次在斯维尔德洛夫斯克地区的竞选中落败后,这名32岁的男子希望通过把名字改为哈里-伊万挪维奇-波特的方式来寻求小魔法师神奇魔力的帮助。
  5. Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin was born in a peasant family on February 1, 1931. After graduating from Urals Polytechnical Institute in 1955, he worked as a construction worker in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). 鲍里斯·尼古拉耶维奇·叶利钦1931年2月1日出生。他自1955年在乌拉尔工学院建筑系毕业后,在斯维尔德洛夫斯克(现在的叶卡捷林堡)成为建筑工人。
  6. ” And its operation was exposed when an anthrax outbreak at Sverdlovsk resulted in nearly 70 deaths. 1979年,由于斯弗罗夫斯克市爆发炭疽热,死亡人数接近70人,前苏联的生物战研发计画才曝光。