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2024-02-13 03:41:17
美[swer]  英[sweə(r)]
v.  咒骂;发誓;宣誓
n.  誓言;咒骂;发誓
  名词:swearer  过去式:swore  过去分词:sworn  现在分词:swearing  第三人称单数:swears


  1. 发誓,立誓,起誓,起誓说,誓称
  2. 咒骂,诅咒,臭骂
  3. <口>断言,断定
  4. 郑重申言,明确地表示
  5. 使宣誓
  6. 发牢骚
  7. 说粗话,骂脏话
  8. 起誓保证,保证说,郑重承诺
  9. 使宣誓就任
  10. 宣誓对作证
  11. 宣誓要,表示决心要
  1. 誓言
  2. 宣誓,发誓
  3. 咒骂,诅咒
  4. 骂人话


  1. vi. 咒骂 use obscene words to insult, or for emphasis
  2. vt. & vi. 发誓 say solemnly or emphatically; cause sb to take an oath


  1. utter obscenities or profanities;

    "The drunken men were cursing loudly in the street"

  2. to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true;

    "Before God I swear I am innocent"

  3. promise solemnly; take an oath
  4. make a deposition; declare under oath
  5. have confidence or faith in;

    "We can trust in God" "Rely on your friends" "bank on your good education" "I swear by my grandmothers recipes"


  1. swear allegiance立誓效忠
  2. swear driver咒骂司机
  3. swear oath宣誓
  4. swear police咒骂警察
  1. swear abominably令人厌恶地咒骂
  2. swear audibly故意让人听见地咒骂
  3. swear ferociously凶恶地咒骂
  4. swear fiercely残忍地咒骂
  5. swear hastily急躁地骂
  6. swear loudly大声地咒骂
  7. swear roundly狠狠地咒骂
  8. swear solemnly庄严宣誓
  9. swear vigorously强有力地咒骂
  10. swear away骂走
  11. swear in使宣誓就职
  12. swear out通过发誓而获得
  1. swear against起誓证实…,反对…
  2. swear at骂,诅咒,与…不协调
  3. swear by极其相信…
  4. swear by this pill相信这种药丸有效
  5. swear for保证,担保
  6. swear for sbs honesty担保某人是诚实的
  7. swear sb into office主持某人宣誓就职
  8. swear like a trooper用粗言秽语破口大骂
  9. swear on the Bible把手搁在《圣经》上发誓
  10. swear to郑重地证实,使发誓…,向…宣誓
  11. swear to secrecy发誓保守秘密
  12. swear to the truth of a statement郑重地证实某一陈述的真实性


  1. Shut up! How dare you swear at me like that!住嘴,你竟敢那样咒骂我!
  2. You have no right to swear at me like that!你无权那样咒骂我!
  3. I swear by Almighty God that I will tell the truth.我对万能的上帝发誓我要说真话。
  4. They swore an oath to carry out their duties faithfully.他们发誓要忠实履行自己的职责。
  5. I swear I wont tell anyone your secret.我发誓不把你的秘密告诉任何人。
  6. The witnesses must swear before speaking.证人在发言前必须宣誓。
  1. Dont forget your swear for me.不要忘记你对我发过的誓言。
  2. Say that again,but this time leave out the swear words.再说一遍,但这次省去那些诅咒语。
  3. I can have swear ( that ) I saw a flying saucer over the sky !我可以发誓我看见天上有一只飞碟!


    swear的基本意思是“咒骂”,指用污秽的语言对某人或某物进行攻击,造成精神上的伤害。swear还可指明确或郑重地向某人保证某事,即“发誓”。 swear可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词、代词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语,还可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。 swear表示“骂人”时,其后须与介词at连用。 swear的过去式是swore,过去分词是sworn。