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2024-02-13 03:42:16
美[sweəˌwɜːd]  英[sweəwɜːd]
n.  极不恭敬的话;咒骂


  1. profane or obscene expression usually of surprise or anger;

    "expletives were deleted"


  1. A profane word or phrase; a swearword. 咒语亵渎神灵的言词或话语;咒骂语
  2. A profane word or phrase;a swearword. 咒语亵渎神灵的言词或话语;咒骂语
  3. Or would we ever use Gods name as a swearword? 还会随便用神的名来起誓吗?
  4. "I shouted a big swearword into the radio," he explained."Of course I was pissed off. “我对着无线通话大骂,”他说,“当然(因为)我太愤怒了。
  5. Dont always feel youve gotten injustice.Dont say swearword about your ex-employer. 不要老是觉得你受了冤枉,不要说你前雇主的坏话。
  6. Where did u hear it?If its from Hong Kong (the place, not me), then its a swearword. 从哪听来的? 如果是从香港(地名;不是指我); 那就是脏话了.