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2024-02-13 04:08:17
美[swiːt]  英[swiːt]
adj.  甜的;芳香的;悦耳的;漂亮的
n.  甜食;糖
  副词:sweetly  比较级:sweeter  最高级:sweetest  名词:sweetness


  1. 芳香的,芬芳的,香的
  2. 温柔的,和蔼的,亲切的
  3. 新鲜的
  4. 甜的,含糖的
  5. 悦耳的,好听的
  6. 惬意的
  7. 可爱的,漂亮的
  8. 淡的
  9. 纯净的
  10. 清新的
  11. 令人愉快的,舒畅的
  1. 糖果,甜食,甜点
  2. 亲爱的(人),宝贝
  3. 芳香
  4. 甜味
  5. 好吃的东西,称心的东西,愉快的事
  6. 甜酒
  7. 斯威特(音译名)
  8. 快乐,乐趣
  1. 甜蜜地
  2. 惬意地
  3. 亲切地


  1. 甜(味)的 having a taste like that of sugar
  2. 悦耳〔目〕的,芳香的; 令人高兴的 pleasing to the senses
  3. 温柔的,和蔼的,体贴的 gentle, kind, or attractive in manner
  4. 可爱的 (especially of small or young things) charming, lovable
  1. [C] 糖果 a small piece of sweet food made of sugar or chocolate, etc.
  2. [C] [U] 甜食,甜点 sweet food served at the end of a meal


  1. English phonetician; one of the founders of modern phonetics (1845-1912)
  2. a dish served as the last course of a meal
  3. a food rich in sugar
  4. the taste experience when sugar dissolves in the mouth
  5. the property of tasting as if it contains sugar
  1. having or denoting the characteristic taste of sugar
  2. having a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub;

    "an angelic smile" "a cherubic face" "looking so seraphic when he slept" "a sweet disposition"

  3. pleasing to the ear;

    "the dulcet tones of the cello"

  4. pleasing to the senses;

    "the sweet song of the lark" "the sweet face of a child"

  5. pleasing to the mind or feeling;

    "sweet revenge"

  6. having a natural fragrance;

    "odoriferous spices" "the odorous air of the orchard" "the perfumed air of June" "scented flowers"

  7. (used of wines) having a high residual sugar content;

    "sweet dessert wines"

  8. not containing or composed of salt water;

    "fresh water"

  9. not soured or preserved;

    "sweet milk"

  10. with sweetening added
  1. in an affectionate or loving manner (`sweet is sometimes a poetic or informal variant of `sweetly);

    "Susan Hayward plays the wife sharply and sweetly" "how sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank" "talking sweet to each other"


  1. sweet apples甜苹果
  2. sweet baby可爱的婴儿
  3. sweet biscuits甜的饼干
  4. sweet child乖孩子
  5. sweet cottage可爱的农舍
  6. sweet disposition温顺的性情
  7. sweet drinks甜的饮料
  8. sweet face讨人喜欢的脸
  9. sweet feeling of success成功的喜悦
  10. sweet flowers芳香的花
  11. sweet gesture讨人喜欢的姿势
  12. sweet little poodle招人爱的卷毛狗
  13. sweet music悦耳的音乐
  14. sweet nature温顺的本性
  15. sweet old lady和蔼可亲的老太太
  16. sweet smell of flowers花儿芳香的气味
  17. sweet smile讨人喜欢的笑容
  18. sweet temper温顺的脾气
  19. sweet voice悦耳的声音
  20. sweet words亲切的言语
  1. still sweet依然新鲜
  1. sweet enough足够甜
  1. sweet of …的欢乐〔季节〕
  1. diffuse sweet散发芬芳
  2. enjoy sweets享受欢乐
  3. serve sweet端上甜食
  4. taste sweet尝到甜头,尝到乐趣


  1. Do you like sweet or dry sherry?你喜欢甜的还是不甜的雪利酒?
  2. The dish tastes a bit sweet.这菜有点儿甜味。
  3. Dont the roses smell sweet!这玫瑰花真香!
  4. The sopranos voice sounded clear and sweet.那女高音歌手的嗓音响亮而动听。
  5. I saw Jim with a really sweet girl in the cinema last night.昨天晚上我在电影院里看到吉姆和一个很漂亮的女孩子在一起。
  1. You can have some more sweet.你可以再吃点儿甜食。
  2. The dentist told the boy not to eat too many sweets.牙医告诫这男孩不要吃太多糖果。


    sweet的基本意思是表示味觉的“甜的”,引申还可指“鲜艳的、悦耳的”或“使人愉快的、赏心悦目的”,形容人时表示“和蔼可亲〔好心肠〕的”或是形容那些小的事物或年幼的孩子“可爱的”。其程度可以是适中的,也可以是过量的或饱和的。 sweet还常用来加强语气,表示某些令人感到不适意的事物,常译成“非常的,惊人的”,有时还可用于反语表示“艰苦的,可怕的,糟透的”等。 sweet的比较级是sweeter,最高级是sweetest。
    sweet用作名词的基本意思是“糖果”,作此解时是可数名词。 sweet还可指饭后的“甜食”,此时sweet可用作可数或不可数名词。 sweets用于比喻可表示“温柔,芳香,快乐,乐趣”,常用于the sweets of sth 结构。