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2024-02-13 04:22:16
美[swiːtɒp]  英[swiːtɒp]
n.  糖果店


  1. Our so-called "leaders" couldnt lead children into a sweetshop, it seems. 看来我们所谓的"领导"并不能把孩子们领到糖果店去。
  2. Our so-called...uot;leaders" couldnt lead children into a sweetshop, it seems. 看来我们所谓的"领导"并不能把孩子们领到糖果店去。
  3. Honey duke`s Sweetshop is brilliant,but nothing beats Zonko`s Joke Shop. 甜公爵的糖果店很不错;但是仍然比不过桑科的开心店.
  4. On his way to a sweetshop, he dropped his 50 pence and it bounced along the pavement and fell into a culvert. 在他去糖果店的路上,50便士掉在地上,在人行道上跳了几下,掉进了阴沟里。
  5. However, George wasnt upset because the owner of the sweetshop rewarded him a large box of chocolate after she learned his trouble. 不过,此事并没使乔治过于伤心,因为糖果店老板娘听说了他遇到的麻烦后,赏给了他一大盒巧克力。
  6. My aunt kept a sweetshop. 我姨妈经营糖果店。