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2024-02-13 04:26:17
美[swel]  英[swel]
v.  (使)膨胀;(使)鼓起;(使)增长
n.  增大;膨胀;肿胀;汹涌
adj.  <口>很棒的;时髦的;一流的
  比较级:sweller  最高级:swellest  过去式:swelled  过去分词:swelled/swollen  现在分词:swelling  第三人称单数:swells


  1. 膨胀
  2. 肿大,肿起,肿胀
  3. 隆起,鼓起
  4. (河水等)上涨
  5. 骄傲自负,趾高气扬
  6. (情绪)高涨,增长
  7. (声音、音调等)增强
  8. 增大,增加,增多 ,提高,变大,壮大,扩大
  9. 使膨胀
  10. 使肿胀,使肿大
  11. 使鼓起,使隆起
  12. 使增长,使壮大
  13. 使骄傲自大,使自负,使自大,使趾高气扬,使得意扬扬
  14. 使(河水等)上涨
  15. 使(情绪)高涨,使(心里)充满
  16. 【音】使增强
  1. 增大
  2. 肿胀,肿大
  3. 隆起
  4. 增强,加强
  5. 增加,增大
  6. 汹涌,浪涛汹涌
  7. 风头人物
  8. 鼓包,隆起部分,凸起的形状
  9. <口>衣着时髦的人
  10. 强大
  11. 情绪高涨
  12. 【地】海涌
  13. 【音】渐强到渐弱
  1. <俚>服装时髦的,漂亮的
  2. 风头健的
  3. <口>很棒的,一流的,非常好,了不起的,优秀的
  4. 高超的,高级的
  5. 象样的,极讲究的
  6. 很愉快的
  7. 极有趣的
  1. 极好地,一流地


  1. vt. & vi. (使)增大; 膨胀 (cause to) become greater in volume, thickness or force


  1. the undulating movement of the surface of the open sea
  2. a rounded elevation (especially one on an ocean floor)
  3. a crescendo followed by a decrescendo
  4. a man who is much concerned with his dress and appearance
  1. very good;

    "he did a bully job" "a neat sports car" "had a great time at the party" "you look simply smashing"

  1. increase in size, magnitude, number, or intensity;

    "The music swelled to a crescendo"

  2. become filled with pride, arrogance, or anger;

    "The mother was swelling with importance when she spoke of her son"

  3. expand abnormally;

    "The bellies of the starving children are swelling"

  4. come up (as of feelings and thoughts, or other ephemeral things);

    "Strong emotions welled up" "Smoke swelled from it"

  5. come up, as of a liquid;

    "Tears well in her eyes" "the currents well up"

  6. cause to become swollen;

    "The water swells the wood"


  1. swell chest鼓起胸膛
  2. swell finger手指肿了起来
  3. swell hand手肿了起来
  4. swell leg腿肿了起来
  5. swell number增加人数
  6. swell river河水涨了起来
  7. swell troop扩大队伍
  1. swell abnormally反常地膨胀
  2. swell badly肿得很厉害
  3. swell gradually慢慢地增长
  4. swell hideously肿得可怕
  5. swell powerfully强有力地增大
  6. swell out使膨胀,使胀大
  7. swell out the sails(风)把帆吹得鼓了起来
  8. swell up发肿,膨胀,(河水)上涨
  1. swell by因…而膨胀
  2. swell with由于…而膨胀〔高涨〕
  3. swell with pride沾沾自喜,骄傲自大


  1. The hills swell gradually up from the plain.山丘逐渐由平原膨胀起来。
  2. Tom had a fall and his under lip began to swell up.汤姆跌了一跤,下唇开始肿起。
  3. The budget deficit could swell further over the next few years.未来几年内财政赤字可能会有更多增长。
  1. The groups change more swiftly, swell with new arrivals, dissolve and form in the same breath.人群的变化越来越快,忽而随着新来的客人而增大,忽而分散后又立即重新组合。
  2. There was a swell in the citys population.该市出现过人口膨胀。
  3. He wondered how comehe grew a swell on the head.他不知道为什么头上会长出一个瘤。
  4. And again we were wallowing in the swell.而我们又在摇摆颠簸中晃来晃去。


    swell的基本意思是“增大,膨胀”,指由于受外力的作用使物体在原有的基础上变大或处于增大的状态,或指由于疼痛、哭泣等原因而使身体的某一部位肿大或处于肿大的状态。也可用于硬度或力量的增强,含有“快要涨破了”的意味。引申还可指“河水上涨”或“人群扩大”。 swell可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。 swell的过去式是swelled,过去分词是swollen或swelled。