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2024-02-13 04:48:17
美[swɪm]  英[swɪm]
v.  游泳
n.  游泳
  形容词:swimmable  名词:swimmer  过去式:swam  过去分词:swum  现在分词:swimming  第三人称单数:swims


  1. 浸,泡,游,浮
  2. 眩晕,晕眩,眼花
  3. (使)游泳,(使)游水
  4. 游过
  5. 与...比赛游泳
  6. 浮游,漂浮,漂流,浮动,使浮起
  7. 充溢,充斥,充满,洒满
  8. 滑动,滑行
  9. 浮现
  10. 打转,(物体等仿佛在)旋转,摇晃,似在晃动
  11. 覆盖
  12. 使…泅水
  13. 游…花式
  1. 游泳(运动),游
  2. 潮流,趋势,时事
  3. 浮动,浮现
  4. 滑走
  5. 眩晕,头晕眼花,晕眩
  6. 深渊
  7. 漂浮
  8. 积极参与社会生活
  9. 合潮流
  10. 游的距离


  1. vt. & vi. 游泳 move through the water by moving the limbs, fins, tail, etc.
  1. [S] 游泳 an act or occasion of swimming


  1. the act of swimming;

    "it was the swimming they enjoyed most" "they took a short swim in the pool"

  1. travel through water;

    "We had to swim for 20 minutes to reach the shore" "a big fish was swimming in the tank"

  2. be afloat either on or below a liquid surface and not sink to the bottom
  3. be dizzy or giddy;

    "my brain is swimming after the bottle of champagne"

  4. be covered with or submerged in a liquid;

    "the meat was swimming in a fatty gravy"

  5. move as if gliding through water;

    "this snake swims through the soil where it lives"


  1. swim ashore游上岸
  2. swim boldly勇敢地游过
  3. swim courageously无畏地游过
  4. swim easily不费力地游过
  5. swim heroically英勇地游过
  6. swim slowly慢慢漂过
  7. swim unflaggingly持续地游泳
  8. swim vigorously朝气蓬勃地滑过
  9. swim back游回
  10. swim out游去
  1. swim across the river游过河
  2. swim against the current of the time违背时代潮流
  3. swim before在…前旋转
  4. swim for朝…游去
  5. swim for shore朝岸上游去
  6. swim in a river在河中游泳
  7. swim in happy tears(眼睛)充满着幸福的泪水
  8. swim in the sky(月亮)在空中移动
  9. swim like a stone沉下去
  10. swim on ones back仰泳
  11. swim on ones chest俯泳,蛙泳
  12. swim on ones side侧泳
  13. swim on water浮在水上
  14. swim over从…上滑过
  15. swim to the shore游向岸边
  16. swim under the water在水下游泳,潜泳
  17. swim with joy内心充满喜悦
  18. swim with the tide〔current〕顺流而游,顺应潮流,随波逐流
  1. go for a swim去游泳
  2. have a swim游泳
  3. take a swim游泳
  1. in a swim头晕眼花
  2. in the swim熟悉情况,了解当前形势,参加活动,合乎时尚
  3. out of the swim不参加社交等活动


  1. Lets go swimming.咱们游泳去。
  2. Shes teaching the children to swim.她正在教孩子们游泳。
  3. I used to swim all the year round.过去我一年四季都游泳。
  4. I like to swim, but Im not a very good swimmer.我喜欢游泳,可是我游得并不好。
  1. He went down to the beach for a swim.他去海滩游泳了。
  2. On a hot day, a cool swim is a joy.大热天来次凉快的游泳是件乐事。
  3. After her swim she dried herself with a towel.游泳后,她用毛巾擦干身子。


    swim的基本意思是“游泳”“游过”,指靠摆动身体在水中前进或漂浮。swim还可作“漂浮”“飘忽”“滑行”解,引申可表示“旋转,摇晃,眩晕”。 swim可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。 swim的过去式是swam,过去分词是swum。
    swim用作名词时意思是“游泳”,其前常加不定冠词a。 the swim意思是“潮流”; in the swim作“熟悉内情,通晓时事,积极参与社会活动; 通晓现时风尚潮流”解; out of the swim的意思是“赶不上潮流”。