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2024-02-13 05:07:16
美[swɪŋˌbaɪ]  英[swɪŋbaɪ]
n.  [空](航天器的)绕行星变轨


  1. He promised to swingBy and pick them up. 他答应绕道去搭载他们。
  2. The theory for exploring the moon time after time through double lunar swingby is analyzed at first. 分析了双月球近旁转向实现对月球多次探测的原理。
  3. After completing lunar swingby maneuvers, the A spacecraft is intended to orbit the Sun "Ahead" of planet Earth, and the B spacecraft "Behind". 在完成对探测器变轨后,A飞船将在地球的前方绕行太阳,而B飞船则在"后方"绕行。
  4. On Calculating Saving of Energy in Launching Mars Probe by Lunar Swingby Technique 借月球引力节省火星探测器发射能量的方法
  5. Swingby flight 借力飞行