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2024-02-13 05:56:17
美[soʊrdmən]  英[sɔːdmən]
n.  剑术家;军人;剑客


  1. This time she stabbed at the swordmans shoulder. 勾践呵呵大笑,道:“这话倒也不错。
  2. The liveried swordman was surprised. 这是无可奈何同归于尽的打法,敌人若是继续进击,心窝必定中剑。
  3. She moved her stick and stabbed toward another swordmans chest. 那人举剑挡格,那少女早已兜转竹棒,戳向另一名吴士胸口。
  4. One swordman was stabbed on the wrist and lost hold on his sword. 那人五指不由自主的松了,长剑落地。
  5. Then the second-placed swordman cut another fly into four pieces. 接着排名第二的剑手把苍蝇劈为四份。
  6. The Wu swordmans sword reached out toward toward her belt. 范蠡又惊又喜,道:“白公公住在哪里?