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2024-02-13 06:53:16
美[ˌsɪlədʒɪstɪk]  英[ˌsɪlədʒɪstɪk]
adj.  三段论法的;演绎的;演绎性的
  副词:syllogistically  异体字:syllogistical


  1. of or relating to or consisting of syllogism;

    "syllogistic reasoning"


  1. The application of law mainly uses deductive inference or syllogist inference. 法官适用法律中主要运用演绎推理或三段论推理。
  2. The illusion in prepositional and syllogistic reasoning was studied. 摘要研究了双陈述任务下的复合命题推理和三段论推理的错觉。
  3. Mr Hitchens has been skewering[2] the syllogistic[3] arguments of the religious in the name of science ever since. 从此,希金斯便一直利用科学对信教者的诡辩进行讽刺。
  4. Mr Hitchens has been skewering the syllogistic arguments of the religious in the name of science ever since. 希钦斯从此以后开始用科学的名义来讥讽宗教界诡辩的理由。
  5. Its original geological feature experiences the earths syllogistic history of a few hundred million years.It is exiguous non-renewable resources. 它原始的地质地貌,承载着几亿年的地球演绎史,是不可再生的稀缺资源。
  6. People are influenced by many factors in syllogistic reasoning including internal factors(individual difference)and external(tasks)factors. 人们在推理过程中,受到许多因素的影响,大致可以分为内在(个体差异)因素和外在(任务)因素。