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2024-02-13 07:28:17
美[sɪmbɒlədʒɪ]  英[sɪmbɒlədʒɪ]
n.  符号学;符号系统


  1. the study or the use of symbols and symbolism


  1. The serpent represents spiraling DNA or Dragon symbology. 大毒蛇是代表螺旋型的DNA,或龙的象征。
  2. The Symbology Deck is a mentalists dream, come true. 象徵学甲板是一个精神论者梦想,实现。
  3. We have a symbology for denoting Boolean variables, and their complements. 我们利用象征学来表示布尔变量以及它们的补充。
  4. The wheel you refer to combines the symbology of Kabbalah with the Tarot cards and the 22 paths in the Tree of Life. 你提到的轮子是由卡巴拉的象征组成,连同着塔罗牌和生命树的二十二条道路。
  5. If well designed, the meaning of their symbology will give the user a link to a part of reality. 如果设计得好,其符号的意义将会使用户连结到现实的一部分。
  6. They link with winged gods from the heavens who came to Earth to create the human race and are very important symbology in the creational blueprint of our reality. 它们跟从天上来到地球有翼的上帝创造人类的故事联系在一起,它是在我们实相创造蓝图里很重要的象征运用。