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2024-02-13 07:54:16
美[sɪmfoʊnɪəs]  英[sɪmfəʊnɪəs]
adj.  和音的;和谐的;调和的


  1. harmonious in sound;

    "the symphonic hum of a million insects"


  1. We would like your action to be symphonious with ours. 我们希望你们的行动与我们的协调。
  2. We like your action to be symphonious with ours. 我们希望你们的行动与我们的协调。
  3. What does a symphonious society mean? 什么样的社会才是和谐社会?
  4. In line wanted on the telephone line, network line, video line is symphonious frequency line. 信号线中又有电话线、网络线、视频线和音频线等。
  5. Testimonial session enables the communication between administrators and majorities and act an important role in creating a symphonious society. 两者的相互交流,使听证制度在构建和谐社会中起着更加积极的作用.
  6. The digital content service that Yamaxun provides now includes symphonious happy download waits film, teleplay a moment. 现在亚马逊提供的数字内容服务包括影片、电视剧和音乐下载等等。