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2024-02-13 07:57:17
美[sɪmfəsɪs]  英[sɪmfəsɪs]
n.  骨的愈合;[植]合生;拼生
  形容词:symphyseal  名词复数:symphyses


  1. an abnormal adhesion of two or more structures
  2. a growing together of parts or structures


  1. At 12 weeks the fundus becomes palpable at the symphysis pubis. 12周时可在耻骨联合上触及宫底。
  2. A, iew of pelis from superior margin of symphysis pubis to leel of sacral ala. 从耻骨联合上缘至骶骨翼水平观察骨盆。
  3. At 16 weeks the uterus is midway between the symphysis pubis and the umbilicus. 16周时,宫底位于耻骨联合与肚脐之间。
  4. Methods 19 cases with pubic symphysis separation were treated by open reduction and internal fixation with reconstruction plate to reconstruct the pelvic integrity and stability. 方法开放复位重建钢板内固定治疗19例耻骨联合分离患者。
  5. All patients presented with a history of chin trauma,9 patients(9/52)evensuffered from symphysis fracture. 所有IMCF 患者均有明确的颏部外伤史,其中9例(9/52)有颏部骨折,其余仅为软组织伤。
  6. Conversely, the length and the vertical height in the symphysis were significantly greater in the experiment group. 牙槽突在垂直向和水平向上都有明显增加,说明此处有代偿性生长。