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2024-02-13 08:00:16
美[sɪmpoʊdɪəl]  英[sɪmpəʊdɪəl]
adj.  [植]合轴的;产生合轴的


  1. Herbs perennial, rhizomatous, sympodial, epiphytic. 多年生草本,根状茎,合轴,附生的。
  2. Stems sympodial, upper stem often zigzig, often 5-angled. 茎合轴,上面的茎通常曲折,通常具5个角。
  3. The chemical composition and fiber characteristics ol two sympodial bamboos have been studied in this paper. 研究了两种产自云南的丛生竹的化学组成和纤维特性。
  4. The results show that H.laeve exhibited sympodial branching pattern and “guerilla” architecture. 研究表明:1)根茎灌木羊柴具有合轴型分枝类型和游击型基株构型。
  5. Trees or shrubs, evergreen, branches sympodial, often with terminal rosettes of leaves, armed with stinging hairs. 乔木或灌木,常绿,合轴分枝,通常具顶生的莲座丛叶,具蛰毛的。
  6. Herbs perennial or monocarpic, growing from sympodial rhizomes or a massive, sympodial corm. 多年生草本或者一次结实植物,具有合轴分支的根状茎或者巨大的合轴的球茎。