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2024-02-13 08:08:17
美[sɪmptəmɒlədʒɪ]  英[sɪmptəmɒlədʒɪ]
n.  征候学;症候学


  1. These disorders are confirmed by a positie sickle preparation and this label is applied to the person, regardless of the symptomology experienced. 其可通过镰状细胞标本阳性得到确诊,而无须考虑病史。
  2. These disorders are confirmed by a positive sickle preparation and this label is applied to the person, regardless of the symptomology experienced. 其可通过镰状细胞标本阳性得到确诊,而无须考虑病史。
  3. "I was looking for more like a 5% or 10% change," he said."When you get a 20% to 25% change in OSDI, thats a big deal and a big change in patient symptomology. 他表示,我预期只有5%25或10%25的改变,当你在OSDI获得20%25至25%25的改变,这是病患症状的一大改善。
  4. The outcomes, however, have not been consistent, and vary according to the baseline symptomology, the tilt testing protocol, and the doses of the agents (2). 然而,这些结果尚不一致,并根据基础的症状、倾斜试验诊断记录和药物剂量的不同而变化。
  5. The outcomes, howeer, hae not been consistent, and ary according to the baseline symptomology, the tilt testing protocol, and the doses of the agents (2). 然而,这些结果尚不一致,并根据基础的症状、倾斜试验诊断记录和药物剂量的不同而变化。
  6. Diabetic cystopathy refers to the urination dysfunction in patients with diabetes mellitus.Diabetic cystopathy is marked by insidious onset and slow progression with minimal symptomology. 糖尿病性膀胱病(DCP)是指因糖尿病而导致的排尿障碍,一般发病隐袭,症状进展极缓慢。