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2024-02-13 08:53:17
美[sɪŋklənɒrɪəm]  英[sɪŋklənɔːrɪəm]
n.  复向斜


  1. There are various mineral resources in Altai synclinorium that is one of the most important copper,lead,zinc and polymetallic ore zones on south margin of Altai Mountain. 在阿勒泰复向斜内,分布有众多矿产,是阿尔泰山南缘重要的铜、铅、锌及多金属成矿区之一。
  2. Lichuan synclinorium from Silurian System to Triassic System has 7 combinations of oil source rock, reservoir and cap rock . 利川复向斜从志留系-三叠系具有7个生储盖组合。
  3. The Tuobeishan stibium deposited in west axial region and north side of the Tuobeishan anticline,which is the secondary anticline of Wuning-Xintuolin synclinorium. 驼背山锑矿床赋存于武宁-新柘林复式向斜南翼之次级驼背山背斜的西端轴部及北翼,矿床受构造、岩性、岩浆岩、水文等综合条件控制。
  4. Abstract The fluid inclusions in the fracture filling minerals in the Lower Triassic,Xiejiawan Trap,Dangyang synclinorium,can be classfied into 5 kinds and 4 types of association. 谢家湾构造下三叠统的有机包裹体可分为5种类型,4类组合。
  5. As a result, the Weizhou-Shigouyi detachment structure is bounded on the east and west by faults and occurs as a synclinorium comprising exotic sheeted rocks with simple deformation. 它在地震剖面上表现为:滑脱面以上的多层平行反射、不出现逆冲推覆前缘带复杂变形造成的杂乱反射;平面上形成与周邻明显的构造不协调性。
  6. Metallogenic environment and mineral resources in Altai synclinorium 阿勒泰复向斜的成矿环境及其矿产