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2024-02-13 08:55:17
美[sɪŋkəpəl]  英[sɪŋkəpəl]
adj.  [医]晕厥的


  1. He had a syncopal attack this morning. 他今晨突然晕厥。
  2. Head up tilt table testing is not warranted in patients who hae experienced a single syncopal episode without injury in an intermediate or low risk setting. 倾斜试验不推荐用于曾经有过在低位现场所发生过1次晕厥而没有受伤的患者。
  3. Head up tilt table testing is not warranted in patients who have experienced a single syncopal episode without injury in an intermediate or low risk setting. 倾斜试验不推荐用于曾经有过在低位现场所发生过1次晕厥而没有受伤的患者。
  4. At a subsequent syncopal attack, 24 hours ambulatory ECG was repeated and found intermittent complete atrioventricular block with prolonged ventricular asystole up to 19.4 sec. 重覆第二次的廿四小时心电图检查才发现间歇性房室传导完全阻断,最久的心跳停止时间长达19.;4秒。
  5. The mortality rate of the syncopal patients complicated with structural heart disease was much higher than those without structural heart disease (15.7% vs 4.0%, P 心源性晕厥患者的晕厥复发率为7.;0%25,明显低于不明原因晕厥患者复发率20
  6. If present, these signs include pallor, weakness, lightheadedness, yawning, nausea, diaphoresis, hyperventilation, blurred vision, and impaired hearing immediately before the syncopal event. 晕厥发生前,可立即出现面色苍白、虚弱无力、头晕、打哈欠、恶心、出汗、过度通气、视力模糊和听力下降。