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2024-02-13 09:03:16
美[sɪŋkrɪˌtaɪz]  英[sɪŋkrɪtaɪz]
v.  结合;溶合;调和
  过去式:syncretized  过去分词:syncretized  现在分词:syncretizing  第三人称单数:syncretizes


  1. become fused
  2. unite (beliefs or conflicting principles)


  1. With the development of society, they syncretize or vanish. 西方艺术中最辉煌灿烂的写实绘画艺术也有这类经历和现象。
  2. Whether poets syncretize the excellence of the Book of Songs and Li Sao or not also gives a main clue to grade the poets. 同时,是否融合《诗》《骚》的优点成为钟嵘品第诗人高下的主要线索。
  3. The appropriate way is to syncretize the two ideas for the new development in current moral education. 现实的也是理想的做法是融合两种思想,取长补短,使我们的德育现代化呈现出新的面貌。
  4. Human beings could never reach the stature of God, and also never syncretize with God into one. 人类永远不能达到上帝的高度,人类永远不能与上帝合一。
  5. The Chinese culture development need to keep the Confucianist humanism and to syncretize all the cultural forms and thoughts of the world. 中国未来文化的发展,要充分保持儒家人文精神,并以之融摄中西方一切文化形态、文化思想。
  6. Fourthly, the investigator of moral education should be an open conversational partner, and should syncretize various ways. 这些启示将使德育理念、德育实践和德育研究等各个层面发生一系列的变化。