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2024-02-13 09:12:16
美[ˌsɪndesmoʊsɪs]  英[sɪndesməʊsɪs]
n.  [解]韧带联合
  形容词:syndesmotic  名词复数:syndesmoses


  1. B, Distal fibula has been replaced and fixed to tibia with syndesmosis screw. 复位腓骨远端,并以螺丝钉固定于胫骨上。
  2. Syndesmosis width was not affected by the number of cortices purchased by the syndesmosis screw. 下胫腓螺钉固定骨皮质的数目不影响下胫腓的宽度。
  3. Objective: To explore the result of ankle joint fracture combined with inferior tibiofibular syndesmosis split. 摘要目的:探讨治疗合并下胫腓联合分离的踝关节骨折脱位诊断治疗与临床效果。
  4. Syndesmosis width significantly increased when the screw was inserted in dorsiflexion for 5 Nm of torque. 当踝关节背伸位、下胫腓螺钉以5Nm扭矩植入时,下胫腓宽度明显增加。
  5. Objective To evaluate the influence of ankle positioning On X-ray diagnosis of the Tibiofibular syndesmosis Injury. 目的:评估踝关节体位对下胫腓联合损伤X线诊断的影响,改善下胫腓联合损伤的X线诊断。
  6. Objective To appraise the advantages and disadvantages in the treatment of distal tibiofibular syndesmosis diastasis with syndesmosis screw. 目的探讨踝关节损伤时胫腓下联合分离的机制及胫腓下联合固定的利弊。