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2024-02-13 09:21:16
美[sɪndɪoʊtæktɪk]  英[sɪndɪəʊtæktɪk]
adj.  [化]间同(立构)的;间规(立构)的


  1. Polyacetadehyde may exist in atactic, syndiotactic and isotactic forms. 聚乙醛可以以无规,间同和全同形式存在。
  2. Polyacetaldehyde may exist in atactic, syndiotactic and isotactic forms. 聚乙醛可以以无规,间同和全同形式存在。
  3. Isotactic diad decreases with the increase of radiation dose. Meanwhile, atactic and syndiotactic diad increases. 随着辐照剂量的增加,全同立构含量逐渐减少,而无规立构含量和间同立构含量却逐渐增加。
  4. This review focus on the isotactic polystyrene(i|PS) and syndiotactic polystyrene(s|PS) crystal. 介绍了等规和间规聚苯乙烯的合成、晶型及晶体结构研究的进展情况。
  5. Iso-tactic diad decreases with the increase of radiation dose.Meanwhile,atactic and syndiotactic diad increases. 随着辐照剂量的增加,全同立构含量逐渐减少,而无规立构含量和间同立构含量却逐渐增加。
  6. The effects of polymerizing temperature and solvents on syndiotactic grade of sPP were studied. 研究了聚合温度及所用溶剂对聚丙烯间规度的影响;