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2024-02-13 09:24:16
美[sɪnekdəki]  英[sɪnekdəki]
n.  提喻法


  1. substituting a more inclusive term for a less inclusive one or vice versa


  1. Researches declared: this is the art of synecdoche. 历代研究者认为,此种现象为艺术上之假借。
  2. Tropes include metaphor, simile, metonymy, synecdoche, etc. 比喻用法包括隐喻、明喻、转喻、提喻等。
  3. Check for similes, metaphors, metonymy and synecdoche. 看看有没有明喻、暗喻、转喻和提喻。
  4. Synecdoche is substituted for the whole or the whole is substituted for a part. 英语中以局部代替全体,以全体代替局部,或以大代小,以小代大等均属于提喻。
  5. It discusses two kinds of synecdoche, classified according to meaning. 素材摘要 This text explains; with examples; what is synecdoche.
  6. Change of name,known also as metonymy and synecdoche, is the substitution of one word for another . 从上述英语定义可知,这两种修辞格十分相近,其共同点是不直接说出所指对象的名称,而采取某种替代形式;