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2024-02-13 09:53:16
美[sənɒdɪk]  英[sɪnɒdɪk]
adj.  相合的(会议的)
  副词:synodically  异体字:synodical


  1. Chinese Rhenish Church, Hong Kong Synod ... 中华基督教礼贤会香港区会.
  2. Pray for your congregation and synod as they struggle with financial issues. 他给我们他的圣灵使我们可以信他。
  3. Its synodic period brings it into conjunction with the Sun every 398 days and 88 minutes, a little more than a year. 它与太阳关联的会合周期是398天零88分,比一年稍长一些。
  4. It is 9 major planet run the great synodic period in the youngest covering of the fan 180 years. 一百八十年是九大行星运行到最小扇面之内的大会合周期。
  5. This synod was held at Notre-Dame, and assembled for the first time on the 15th of June, 1811, under the presidency of Cardinal Fesch. 那次会议是在圣母院举行的,一八一一年六月十五日,在红衣主教斐许主持下,召开了第一次会议。
  6. The officer who presides over a synod or general assembly of the Presbyterian Church. 主持官员主持基督教长老会的会议或大会的官员