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2024-02-13 10:31:16
美[sɪnθəˌtaɪz]  英[sɪnθətaɪz]
v.  综合;合成


  1. Synthetize of NAD is only way in the stomach. 胃内合成是唯一的途径。
  2. It is mainly used for the forming cutting of fur, paper, leather, synthetize materical and nonmetal material. 主要适用于皮革、纸板、泡沫、人造革、布塑及合成纤维和非金属材料借助于刀模成型裁断。
  3. Feature: It is mainly used for the forming cutting of fur, paper, leather, synthetize materical and nonmetal material. 主要用于皮革、纸板、泡沫、人造革、布塑及合成纤维和非金属材料借助于刀模成型裁断。
  4. This paper andlyses and disscusses the application of group of equal value in syn-thetize to the synthetize of carbonyl chemical compound. 本文介绍并讨论了某些合成用等价基团在合成羰基化合物中的应用。
  5. This paper describes a capillary GC and GC-MS analytical method for the synthet ic adamantane and its isomers. 本文给出了金刚烷及其异构体合成物系毛细管气相色谱及色谱-质谱联用分析方法。
  6. According to fuzzy inference synthetize rule,the fuzzy control result is obtained.The fuzzy control result is used to control oractical systems,which hasmet with success. 利用模糊推理合成规则,得出了模糊控制结果,并用于实际系统控制,获得了成功。