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2024-02-13 10:35:17
美[sɪntɒnɪk]  英[sɪntɒnɪk]
adj.  共振的


  1. LLC syntonic transformer and asymmetry the contras ... 必要时选用专用的变频电动机。
  2. Now, the active filter circuit is widely adopted to repress the electric current distortion of high frequency syntonic wave. 目前抑制高次谐波电流畸变都采用有源滤波电路,并首选钽电容器作为其输出滤波电容。
  3. The TV that be the same as manage also is same, this is called in electronics " syntonic " . 同理电视也是一样,这在电子学中称为“谐振”。
  4. Floors, walls, partitions, doors decorated, Chuangshi fields to add syntonic nature, but not luxurious. 地板、墙面、吊顶、门饰、窗饰等方面要衬托合谐自然,不求豪华。
  5. Objective To develop a scale for measuring rational cognition and behavior of syntonic perfectionist. 目的编制一份测量和谐完美主义者合理认知与行为的量表。
  6. Resonance, syntonic, synchronous, although they use a word each different, stated a common sense however, this is dependency. 共振、谐振、同步,尽管它们用词各异,却表述了一个共同的道理,这就是相关性。