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2024-02-13 11:37:17
美[tæb]  英[tæb]
n.  [计算机]制表键;选项卡;标签;垂饰;拉环;账单
v.  用标签或垂饰安装
  过去式:tabbed  过去分词:tabbed  现在分词:tabbing  第三人称单数:tabs


  1. 标签,标牌
  2. 凸出部
  3. 拉环,扣环
  4. 护耳
  5. 记录
  6. 垂片;带子
  7. 【空】调整片
  8. <口>密切注视,监视
  9. 账单
  10. <主美>账款,费用
  11. 荷叶边
  12. 拉手,耳片
  1. <口>监视
  2. 为…装上襟
  3. 给…贴标签
  4. 把…称作,称为
  5. 做上耳片等,饰以垂悬物
  6. 选择,选取,选出,选中,指定
  7. 制...的一览表,把…列表
  8. 记录
  9. 为…加上短小突出部
  10. 确认某人
  11. 用标签或垂饰安装
  1. abb.Technical Assistance Board (of the United Nations) (联合国)技术援助委员会
  2. abb.Technical Abstract Bulletin (US Dept. of Defense Publication) 《科技简报》


  1. the bill in a restaurant;

    "he asked the waiter for the check"

  2. sensationalist journalism
  3. the key on a typewriter or a word processor that causes a tabulation
  4. a short strip of material attached to or projecting from something in order to facilitate opening or identifying or handling it;

    "pull the tab to open the can" "files with a red tab will be stored separately" "the collar has a tab with a button hole" "the filing cards were organized by cards having indexed tabs"

  5. a dose of medicine in the form of a small pellet


  1. Sets the tab stops in a multiple-line edit control.设置多行编辑控件的制表键停顿位。
  2. Click the Directory Security tab.单击“目录安全性”选项卡。
  3. Files with a red tab will be stored separately.带有红色标签的文件将会被分开保存。
  4. Check this to include tasks on the calendar tab.验证这个到包括工作在这日历标签。
  5. The collar has a tab with a button hole.那个衣领有一个小垂片,片上有一个钮扣孔。
  6. You can open the can by pulling the tab.你可拉拉环把罐头打开。
  7. The manager had my tab ready for me when I hit the lobby again.当我再次来到大厅时,我的账单经理已经整理好了。