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2024-02-13 11:55:17
美  英
n.  塔比瑟(f


  1. "Because he could not spend it," said Tabitha. “因为他没法花,”塔比莎说道。
  2. Tabitha: Wow, what a swanky wedding! Who are the happy couple? 塔比瑟:哇,多麽豪华的婚礼!那对快乐的新人是谁?
  3. Mrs. Tabitha became more and more distracted, and mewed dreadfully. 泰必沙太太越来越心烦意乱,她非常担忧地“喵喵”叫着。
  4. Tabitha:Wow, what a swanky wedding! Who are the happy couple? 塔比瑟:哇,多麽豪华的婚礼!那对快乐的新人是谁?
  5. "I cant say but he did, Mr.Peter," said Tabitha, threading her needle. “我不能不说他留下了,彼得先生,”塔比莎说道,引线穿着她的针。
  6. And Peter put them all outside; and kneeling down, he prayed; and he turned to the body and said, Tabitha, rise up. 40彼得叫众人都出去,就跪下祷告,转身对着尸体说,大比大,起来。