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2024-02-13 12:13:17
美[tæbərɪt]  英[tæbərɪt]
n.  小凳子


  1. a low stool in the shape of a drum


  1. Strawberry formative taboret, colour and lustre is bright beautiful, delicate and charming be about to drip. 草莓造型的小凳子,色泽亮丽,娇艳欲滴。
  2. Habitually we let him place a taboret and begin to do homework.I gave him two pieces of biscuit for fear that he be hungry. 照例让他在门口摆了张小凳子开始做作业,怕他饿,给他塞了两片饼干什么的。
  3. Objective: Comparison of back pain and rescuer fatigue following CPR with different postures, including kneeling, standing on taboret, and standing. 目的:比较以跪坐、站立于小板凳以及站立此三种不同姿势进行心肺复苏术对背痛及施救者疲乏之影响。
  4. Begin, he does the small commodities such as bit of taboret and plastic shopping bag, as policy open, he is repaired had a bike. 开始,他做点小凳子和塑料提包等小商品,随着政策的开放,他修起了自行车。
  5. Habitually we let them place a taboret and begin to do homework.I gave them several pieces of biscuit for fear that they be hungry. 照例让他们在门口摆了张小凳子开始做作业,怕他们饿,给他们塞了两片饼干什么的。
  6. He sits on taboret, half move body, both hands keeps mutual rub is worn or collect breathes out a few tones in mouth edge. 他坐在小凳子上,半卷着身子,双手不停地相互搓着或凑在嘴边呵几口气。