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2024-02-13 12:21:16
美[tæbjuleɪtər]  英[tæbjuleɪtə(r)]
n.  制表者;制表机;跳格键


  1. a calculator that keeps a record of the number of times something happens


  1. A clerk could feed 8000 cards a day through his tabulator, and the Census Office saved months of processing time. 一位办事员每天能将8000张卡片输入制表机。 这样就使人口普查办公室节省了几个月的时间。
  2. Introduction is made to working principles,practical effects,properties and installation 0f tabulator bars. 对扰流棒的工作原理、使用效果、特点以及安装进行了介绍。
  3. Introduction is made to the properties, working principles and practical effects of the tabulator bars of the Johnson Corporatin (Wuxi)Technology Co. 对约翰逊公司扰流棒的特点、工作原理、安装步骤、安装要求及使用效果进行了介绍。
  4. Because the woman had passed out before inserting her ballot into an electronic tabulator, her vote will be hand counted. 由于这位妇女在将选票投进电子计票机之前已经昏倒了,他的选票需要手工统计。
  5. A tabulator on a typewriter. 打字机上的定位装置
  6. By taking advantage of electronic tabulator and expression, it can be realized.Although both could be application widely, each one have two sides.Both advantages and disadvantages will be contrasted. 文中基于UG软件,提出了标准件参数化的两种实现方法,即由电子表格和表达式程序来实现,并对这两种方法的利弊作了比较。