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2024-02-13 13:28:17
美[tæktʃʊlɪ]  英[tæktʃʊlɪ]
adv.  触觉的


  1. by touch;

    "he perceives shapes tactually"


  1. The children are so excited when they catch their first fish and explore it tactually. “他们需要我们的帮助,看到他们的进步,我欣喜不已,我非常喜欢这份工作。
  2. In contrast, male learners were more teacher-motivated, preferred tactual approach of learning and had time preference for early morning. 男性更多地受教师激发、喜欢有触觉参与的知识输入方式,喜欢在清晨学习。
  3. Right-hemisphere learners preferred visual and tactual approaches to language learning, and liked to study with a friend and needed mobility. 右脑型的学习者喜欢阅读和有触觉参与的知识输入方式,他们喜欢与一名同学一起学习,学习期间需要时常走动和变换姿势;
  4. The present study of style shows that most students apply several learning styles to their learning and that they particularly prefer to learn through kinesthetic style and tactual style. 在学习风格的调查中显示,学生大都采用多种学习风格进行学习,而对体验和动手学习风格的采用表现更为突出。
  5. With apparent motion of tactual sense applied, the device gives the patient the ability to perform biofeedback in tactile and visual ways, and thus makes the patient more relaxed than other cases. 该装置利用触觉似动现象,使人在进行生物反馈时具备触、视双重加工效能,放松程度高;
  6. a tactile organ; a tactual organ 触觉器官