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2024-02-13 14:00:16
美[tɑːhiːni]  英[tɑːhiːni]
n.  (中东地区调味用的)芝麻酱


  1. a thick Middle Eastern paste made from ground sesame seeds


  1. Roasted eggplants dip with Garlic, Lemon and Tahini. 让您品尝到独一无二的烤茄子酱。
  2. Boiled egg, Fried eggplant, Tomato, Cucumber, Coriander, Tahini. 煮蛋;炸茄子;西红柿;酸黄瓜;调味芝麻酱.
  3. Boiled egg, Fried Hot eggplant, Tomato, Cucumber, Coriander, Tahini. 煮蛋;炸茄子;西红柿;酸黄瓜;_5843;味芝麻酱.
  4. Combine the tahini, tamari, water, mace, onion powder and mustard in pan.Cook over low heat until mixture thickens. 将芝麻酱、日式酱油、水、肉豆蔻干皮、洋葱末和芥末粉倒进平底锅搅拌在一起,低温加热直至混合物变稠。
  5. Miscellaneous : Honey, cooking oils, peanut butter and tahini will congeal in the fridge. 其他 :蜂蜜、烹调油、花生油和芝麻酱会凝结在冰箱内。
  6. Use a bowl to blend stock, honey, tahini, vinegar, sesame oil, soy sauce, and garlic. Set aside. 碗里放入汤料、蜂蜜、芝麻酱、醋、芝麻油、酱油和大蒜,搅拌好,放在一边待用。