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2024-02-13 14:09:16
美[teɪl]  英[teɪl]
n.  后部;尾巴;尾部;辫子;跟随者
vt.  (复)tails: 燕尾服;(硬币的)反面
vi.  跟踪;盯 ... 的梢;为 ... 装尾巴
sp.  尾随;附于其后;逐渐减少
  形容词:tailless  过去式:tailed  过去分词:tailed  现在分词:tailing  第三人称单数:tails


  1. 燕尾服,男子晚礼服
  2. 后部,尾部,尾状后部,末尾部份
  3. 尾状物,尾巴,尾
  4. 钉梢人,暗探
  5. 硬币文面或反面(没有头像的一面)
  6. 尾随,钉梢
  7. 大权旁落
  8. 主次颠倒,喧宾夺主
  9. 临阵脱逃
  1. 限嗣继承的,限制继承的,限定继承的
  2. 尾部的,后部的
  3. 从后面来的,在后面的
  1. 钉梢,盯梢,跟踪,尾随,跟在后头
  2. 逐渐消失
  3. 为...装尾巴,装上尾巴
  4. 变少,缩小,变得越来越小,逐渐减少
  5. 拖着尾巴,尾巴似地垂下,尾巴似地拖在后面
  6. 添上,接上,连结上
  7. 切去尾巴,切去末端,截短...的尾巴
  8. 【建】把(砖、木板的一端)嵌入
  9. 排成队,位于…的后面,排在…后面
  10. 船尾搁浅(在暗礁上),船尾朝前停上浅滩
  11. 把船尾掉向顺风方面
  12. 摘除…
  13. 形成尾部,成为尾部
  14. 使尾部连接
  15. 使架住,使搭牢
  16. 成为散乱的行列,以散乱的行列前进
  17. 嵌进,搭上
  18. 附于其后


  1. [C]尾,尾巴 the movable long growth at the back or end of a creatures body
  2. [C]尾巴似的东西,尾状物; 尾部 sth like this in appearance, shape, or position
  1. vt. & vi. 跟踪 follow sb closely, follow close behind moving in a file


  1. the posterior part of the body of a vertebrate especially when elongated and extending beyond the trunk or main part of the body
  2. the time of the last part of something;

    "the fag end of this crisis-ridden century" "the tail of the storm"

  3. any projection that resembles the tail of an animal
  4. the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on;

    "he deserves a good kick in the butt" "are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?"

  5. a spy employed to follow someone and report their movements
  6. (usually plural) the reverse side of a coin that does not bear the representation of a persons head
  7. the rear part of an aircraft
  8. the rear part of a ship
  1. go after with the intent to catch;

    "The policeman chased the mugger down the alley" "the dog chased the rabbit"

  2. remove or shorten the tail of an animal
  3. remove the stalk of fruits or berries


  1. dock a tail剪短尾巴
  2. shorten a tail剪短尾巴
  3. stick a tail up翘尾巴
  4. get ones tail down害怕,失去勇气
  5. get ones tail up情绪很高
  6. put a tail on sb派人暗中跟踪某人
  7. turn tail转身逃跑
  1. bushy tail蓬松的尾巴
  2. furry tail毛茸茸的尾巴
  3. long tail长尾巴
  4. short tail短尾巴
  1. tail a kite为风筝装尾巴
  2. tail a model plane为模型飞机装尾翼
  3. tail the spy跟踪间谍
  4. tail thief跟踪小偷
  1. at the tail of在…末尾,在…最后
  2. by the tail结尾,终究
  3. with ones tail between ones legs垂头丧气
  1. tail aimlessly无目的地跟踪
  2. tail alternately有变化地跟踪
  3. tail carefully小心翼翼地跟踪
  4. tail casually漫无目的地跟踪
  5. tail cautiously谨慎地跟踪
  6. tail cleverly机敏地跟踪
  7. tail closely紧紧地跟踪
  8. tail constantly不断地跟踪
  9. tail deliberately谨慎地跟踪
  10. tail frequently不断地跟踪
  11. tail moderately适度地跟踪
  12. tail mysteriously秘密地跟踪
  13. tail originally最初跟踪
  14. tail properly恰当地跟踪
  15. tail readily有准备地跟踪
  16. tail scientifically科学地跟踪
  17. tail seriously认真地跟踪
  18. tail skillfully技术高超地跟踪
  19. tail slowly慢慢地跟踪
  20. tail solely单独地跟踪
  21. tail specially具体地跟踪
  22. tail thoroughly全面地跟踪
  23. tail wilfully故意地跟踪
  24. tail wisely明智地跟踪
  25. tail back尾随,跟踪,造成交通阻塞
  26. tail off零散地落在后面,变得越来越少〔小〕
  1. tail after尾随,跟踪
  2. tail after a suspect跟踪嫌疑犯


  1. He drove into the back of my truck and smashed the tail light.他开车撞进我卡车的后部,把我的尾灯撞得粉碎。
  2. Lizards have four legs and a long tail.蜥蜴有四条腿和一条长尾巴。
  3. The sting of a scorpion is in its tail.蝎子的毒钩在其尾部。
  4. She braids her hair in little tails.她把头发编成一根根小辫。
  5. She can not figure out who put a tail on her.她猜不透谁派人盯她的梢。
  1. A coin has two sides,a head and a tail.硬币有正反两面。
  1. I have notified them to watch and tail him.我已通知了他们监视跟踪他。
  2. He tailed the spy to his hotel.他跟踪那间谍到他住的旅馆。
  3. Would you tail the kite for me?你能帮我给风筝装个尾巴吗?
  1. The children tailed after the parade.孩子们跟在游行队伍后面。


    tail用作名词的基本意思是“尾巴”“尾部”“后部”,常指动物的尾巴,也可指具体物的尾部,是可数名词。 tail用于比喻指人时可作“尾随的人”“暗探”解,指物时可作“尾巴似的东西,尾状物”解。 tail在口语中可作“燕尾服”解,此时通常用复数形式。 tail还可作“硬币的反面”解,与“head(正面)”相对,是可数名词。
    tail用作名词是“尾巴”的意思,转化为动词作“跟踪,盯梢”解,指跟踪的人像尾巴一样紧紧地尾随着目标,观察其所作所为。这种跟踪可以表示较短暂的、较远距离的行动,含有动机不良的意味或暗示一种尾随而一直不被察觉的愿望。 tail有时也可作“给(某物体)装尾部〔巴〕”解。 tail可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作不及物动词时,常与off连用; 用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。