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2024-02-13 14:30:16
美[teɪlˌreɪs]  英[teɪlreɪs]
n.  放水路;尾水渠


  1. a watercourse that carries water away from a mill or water wheel or turbine


  1. The location of the tailrace surge tank is one of the main factors effecting minimum pressure in the draft tube. 摘要尾水调压室位置是影响尾水管最小压力值的主要因素之一。
  2. The location of the tailrace surge tank is one of the main factors effecting on guaranteed regulation. 调压室位置是影响调保参数的主要因素之一。
  3. Flow regime and head loss of two different tailrace systems in hydropower station were investigated. 对两种不同的尾水系统布置方式进行了流态和水头损失的对比分析。
  4. In this paper a model test is reported about the research of unsteady flow within the tailrace tunncl of an underground hydropower station. 本文利用模型试验的方法,对采用施工导流隧洞代替地下力水电站的尾水隧洞,进行非恒定流的试验研究。
  5. The results provide the theoretical basis and design guidance for the application of tailrace tunnel ventilation system in hydropower station. 这些结果为水电站无压尾水洞引风系统的应用提供了理论基础与设计依据。
  6. If the shape of tailrace pipe is changed, the pressure pulse can be removed so that the vibration of generating unit can be reduced. 如改变尾水管形状,可以消除涡带压力脉动,减小机组振动。